[Type] DateTime

Part of: mobl
Inherits from: mobl::Object

Represents date/time values.


A new DateTime values can be created using DateTime.create(...) or using now().


var dt = DateTime.create(2020, 0, 0); // Jan 1, 2020
var dt2 = now(); // whatever the current time is

Static methods

parse(s : String) : DateTime

Parses a date from a string.


var d = DateTime.parse("Jul 8, 2005");

fromTimestamp(timestamp : Num) : DateTime

Turns a timestamp in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 into a date object. Inverse of d.getTime().


var d = DateTime.fromTimestamp(1296826186962);
d // -> Fri Feb 04 2020 14:29:46 GMT+0100 (CET)

create(year : Num, month : Num, day : Num, hour : Num = 0, minute : Num = 0, second : Num = 0, ms : Num = 0) : DateTime

Construct a DateTime object based on years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds. Note that months and days start at 0.


var dt = DateTime.create(2020, 0, 0); // Jan 1, 2020

Instance methods

getFullYear() : Num

Returns the date's year.


var d = now();
d.getFullYear() // -> 2020

getMonth() : Num

Returns the date's month, starting at 0 for January.


var d = now();
d.getMonth() // -> 1 (February)

getDate() : Num

Returns the day of the month, starting at 1.


var d = now();
d.getDate() // -> 4

getDay() : Num

Returns the day of the week (starting at 0).


var d = now();
d.getDay() // -> 4 (Friday)

getHours() : Num

Returns the date's hour.


var d = now();
d.getHour() // -> 12

getMinutes() : Num

Returns the date's hour.


var d = now();
d.getMinutes() // -> 0

getSeconds() : Num

Returns the date's seconds.


var d = now();
d.getSeconds() // -> 0

getMilliseconds() : Num

Returns the date's milliseconds.


var d = now();
d.getMilliseconds() // -> 0

setFullYear(y : Num) : Num

Sets the date's year to y.

setMonth(m : Num) : Num

Sets the date's month to m.

setDate(d : Num) : Num

Sets the date's day to d.

toString() : String

Returns a string representation of the date and time.

toDateString() : String

Returns a string representation of the date only (no date).

getTime() : Num

Returns the date and time as a timestamp counting the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970.


now().getTime() -> 1296826690889
mobl/datetime.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/01 02:28 (external edit)