[Control] telField

Part of: mobl::ui::generic


  • s : String variable/property to bind the phone number to.
  • placeholder : String = null placeholder text (appears when text field is empty, optional)
  • label : String = null label text (optional)
  • validator : Function1<String,String> = alwaysOkValidator validator function, takes s as argument and returns error message or empty string if OK (optional)
  • style : Style = textFieldStyle the style to use for the text field
  • invalidStyle : Style = textFieldInvalidStyle the style to use for the text field on invalid input
  • autofocus : Bool = false whether the control should get immediately get focus when loaded.
  • onchange : Callback = null event triggered when the text field changed and loses focus (optional).
  • onkeyup : Callback = null event triggered on every keypress (optional).

A telephone field control.


  • iOS5+
  • Android 2.3+
  • Appears as simple text input on older versions


var tel = "+31"
group {
  item { telField(tel, label="Phone") }
mobl/ui/generic/telfield.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/01 02:29 (external edit)